
A.I.S. Resources Acquires Strategic 57 Sq Km Bright Gold Project Adjacent to E79 Happy Valley

Vancouver, British Columbia – A.I.S. Resources Limited (TSX-V: AIS, OTCQB: AISSF) (the “Company” or “AIS”) announces it has acquired a 60% interest (with an option to acquire 100%) in the exploration licence EL006194 from Clarus Resources Pty Ltd. Historically the EL006194 yielded 341,000 oz gold at grades ranging between 7-99 g/t, averaging 22 g/t Au.

A.I.S. Resources Closes Financing

Vancouver, British Columbia – A.I.S. Resources Limited (TSX-V: AIS, OTCQB: AISSF) (the “Company” or “AIS”) announces the Company has closed its non-brokered private placement of 5,000,000 shares (“Shares“) at a price of $0.05 per Share for gross proceeds of $250,000 (the “Private Placement“).

A.I.S. Resources Ultratrace Soil Program Results at Fosterville-Toolleen Gold Project Substantially Increases Confidence on Next Phase of Drilling

Vancouver, British Columbia – A.I.S. Resources Limited (TSX-V: AIS, OTCQB: AISSF) (the “Company” or “AIS”) announces its ULTRATRACE soils analysis program results at the Fosterville-Toolleen project have reconfirmed the prospectivity of the drill targets.


A.I.S. Resources Announces Private Placement Financing and Amended Loan Financing

Vancouver, British Columbia – A.I.S. Resources Limited (TSX-V: AIS, OTCQB: AISSF) (the “Company” or “AIS”) announces a non-brokered private placement of up to 5,000,000 common shares (“Shares”) at a price of $0.05 per Share for gross proceeds of $250,000 (the “Private Placement”).


A.I.S. Resources Announces Loan Financing

Vancouver, British Columbia – A.I.S. Resources Limited (TSX-V: AIS, OTCQB: AISSF) (the “Company” or “AIS”) announces the Company has entered into loan agreements with certain parties for aggregate loan proceeds of $400,000.

A.I.S. Resources Commences RC Drill Program at Fosterville-Toolleen Gold Project

Vancouver, British Columbia – A.I.S. Resources Limited (TSX-V: AIS, OTCQB: AISSF) (the “Company” or “AIS”) announces its drilling program is now underway at the Fosterville-Toolleen project. The driller has been contracted to commence in November and most land access permits have been signed.

Fosterville-Toolleen Gold Project

Victorian Government Awards Blocks 1, 2, 3 Adjacent to A.I.S. Resources’ Fosterville Toolleen Gold Project to Kirkland Lake with $90 Million Budget

Vancouver, British Columbia – A.I.S. Resources Limited (TSX-V: AIS, OTCQB: AISSF) (the “Company” or “AIS”) is pleased to announce that further to its news release of May 19, 2020, the Company has finalized its settlement with MGX Minerals Inc. (“MGX”).

A.I.S. Resources Gravity Geophysics Reveals Highly Prospective New Gold Drill Targets at Fosterville Toolleen Gold Project

Vancouver, British Columbia – A.I.S. Resources Limited (TSX-V: AIS, OTCQB: AISSF) (the “Company” or “AIS”) announces it has received the Geophysics Reprocessing Report from Nordic Geoscience.

A.I.S. Resources Commences New Soil Sampling Program at Fosterville Toolleen Gold Project

Vancouver, British Columbia – A.I.S. Resources Limited (TSX-V: AIS, OTCQB: AISSF) (the “Company” or “AIS”) announces the Company has commenced a soil sampling program at its Fosterville Toolleen project, located 12 km from the Kirkland Lake Fosterville mine as a pre-cursor to its next drilling program.

A.I.S. Resources Plans New RC Drill Program at Yalgogrin Gold Project

Vancouver, British Columbia – A.I.S. Resources Limited (TSX-V: AIS, OTCQB: AISSF) (the “Company” or “AIS”) provides an updated report on exploration progress at Yalgogrin Gold Project, NSW Australia in preparation for the RC drill program.